As one ends a new one begins

This seems to be my theme for the year.

This was a year of change, actually it’s been a decade of change. I moved across the country, I’ve travelled my butt off and have some ambitious plans for more destinations. I’ve ended jobs and followed my dreams to create the career I was afraid to even consider.

This has been a year of full circles.

It’s been a year of exes. Reconnecting, comparing perspectives, forgiving and moving forward.

It’s been a year of hard work and research.

Overnight successes often take years to achieve. I’ve put in my time, blood, sweat and many tears. I’m still climbing, but I’m certain the top of this mountain is in sight with another higher and more difficult one right behind it to climb. The view will be spectacular.

It’s been a year of dreams coming true.

Every person we meet can play an integral part in our future. Perhaps not directly or in a way that we can trace back to a definite source. But a chance word or comment can lead to doors bursting open wide and opportunities come your way that you’d never imagined.

I’m a published author, instructor, public spreaker, managing editor and the owner of a growing mini-conglomerate. Truly beyond my wildest expectations or hopes.

It’s been a year of discovery.

It’s been a journey if internal perspectives and paradigm shifts. Of changing the way I see the world and my place in it.

It’s been a year to be thankful.

My life, despite its frequent stumbles, gives me much to be thankful. My Family, Mom and Dad together, healthy happy and incredible. My Brothers, they are my friends as much as my siblings. My friends, old and new, who have given me the most incredible support, even when they knew I was wrong and too pig-headed to realize it and cheer-leaded me when I headed in the right direction. The connections I’ve made and the unimaginably positive results from those meetings.

To all I know, have met, seen on the street or don’t and will never know – have a wonderful, prosperous new year filled with joy, peace and success, no matter how hard you have to work to get it.

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