Freelance Camp and Life in General

No matter how much I say I have to blog today, time gets away from me and I lie down on my nice, soft, comfy bed and say, “Damn, another day passes without a blog.”

Which is odd since anyone who knows me knows I love to talk about myself…ad nauseam.

It’s been nuts. I’ve been stressed beyond belief (to stressed to even write it out, so that might give you an indication of how bad it’s been).

We finally have all the details in place for my brother’s move back East. It’s a week later than originally planned due to hiccups with the long weekend and work delaying approval of what moving expenses they’ll reimburse. Which of course put me a week behind in advertising for a roommate, after all I can’t show the house with killer, packing boxes ready to attack from every corner.

All this while I’m trying to work. The good news is that there is work, the bad news is that it’s piling up.

Today I attended Freelance Camp. It was an unconference. To see my perspective on that check out my alter ego’s blog at SNB Consulting Services.

My brain is bursting with great ways to reorganize my work flow one in particular seems to be exactly what I need… I’ll let you know if it works out as well as I hope it does.

Tomorrow, I’m devoting the day to editing and working on a website for a new side project of mine (nothing like adding to an already full plate), more details on that as we get closer to launch.

OK – enough rambling for tonight. I promise I’ll update more often from now on.


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