Life is a Cafe

Call me weird but I’ve always wanted to work in a cafe. Not a coffee shop where people come in, order impossibly complicated drinks and leave, but a place sort of like Cheers, without the alcohol.

I can now cross that item off my list.

A friend of mine was in dire straights. One of the girls was going away on vacation and they still had 4 shifts to cover. Would I be interested?

Hells Yeah

The only downside is that I have to leave my house at 6:30am to get downtown for 8am. I work from home, I usually leave my bed at 8am to be to work for 8:05am.

This will require a slight adjustment.

It’s worth it though. I trained for two shifts this past week. This place is exactly like my vision. Regulars come in, chat while their drinks and custom deli sandwiches are made. The girls have pet names for their favourite customers and happily few non-favourites darken their doors. It’s great.

Extra Bonus:

I get new ideas for characters and situations and I’m standing for 5 hours that normally would be spent on my butt in from of my computer. It’s a win/win/win

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