I know it’s been said ‘time goes faster the older you get’ but sheesh, I’m not that old yet time seems to be whizzing by.
Unless of course I’m doing a tasks that I despise, then time crawls slower than cold molasses running uphill during a January deep freeze in the North Pole.
It doesn’t help that my cold is still lingering on. I woke up this morning being the snotty-nosed brat my father always accused me of being. The good news, my cold is breaking up, so tomorrow I’ll be fine. It still means I have to get through the rest of today first.
And… it won’t help me tonight. I have no voice and have to attend our editing group meeting. The good news is it’s my stuff we’re going over. So I won’t have to talk that much. The bad news is I won’t be able to defend my word choices unless I haul out some paper and a sharpie. (*makes a mental note to pack her sharpies*)