Old friends

Some days you just need to connect with old friends. They know the ‘who’ you were before you were the ‘who’ you are now.

My best friend, Robin, and I have been friends since we were 12. I won’t tell you how many years that’s been, but I will say she’s my rock. I wouldn’t have made it this far with out her.

My new roommate arrives in 4 sleeps – I can’t wait.

He’s new as a roommate but we’ve been friends for almost a decade. To me this is particularly awesome because we’ve lived on opposite sides of the continent for almost eight years. Quite an accomplishment to keep a friendship going that long, I think.

Tonight I’ve spent much of my evening talking to an old boyfriend.

I’ve mentioned him before. We dated during a summer French Immersion camp the summer I turned 16 (he was an older man, he was already 16). I saw him at Christmas and had a great time reminiscing and wondering about what ifs.


It’s hysterically funny to me that when we were dating half of my current group of friends hadn’t even been born.

He’s been a great measure for me though. He knew me before I let myself get sidetracked. He missed all the years I sabotaged myself and made bad choices (while I’m sure I still make them, I’d like to think I’ve learned a lot and don’t do it as over anymore). Happily, his observation was, “Sue you haven’t changed a bit.”

If only he knew. But it was gratifying to know I’d managed to find my way back to me.

I have lots of new friends too. Folks I’ve only know for a few years or in some cases a few months. I treasure you too. I’ve seen us all grow and can’t wait to see what happens next.

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